How Kirmada Helps You Manage Multiple Clients Efficiently

How Kirmada Helps You Manage Multiple Clients Efficiently

Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, one thing is certain: managing multiple clients and projects can quickly become a task in itself. Having hundreds of tabs open, interruptions, being logged into the wrong account at the wrong time, more...

How do I send a tab to a team member?

To send a tab to another Kirmada user, right click on the tab itself and choose “Share Tab With…”. Hovering over this will display a fly-out menu showing all the users who have access to this Workspace. Clicking on someone’s name will instantly...

How do I edit a Team?

You can view and edit your Teams by clicking the Team icon on the homepage (see below). Clicking on the icon will take you to a Teams Homepage where you can see and edit all the Workspaces you have invited others too.  Click to edit the...

How do I create a Team?

Sharing a Workspace in Kirmada makes it a Team, and all you need is the email addresses of who you wanto to invite. First, go to the Home Page and then click Add Team (see below). Invite the people you want to share the Workspace with. From the Create Team popup you...

What is a Kirmada Team?

A “Team” in Kirmada is a shared Workspace. When you share a Workspace, the people you share it with will be invited to accept your invitation. Once accepted, the Workspace you shared will appear on their Homepage. What gets shared? The purpose of creating...