
IOS and Android users: Sorry, but Kirmada doesn’t run on your devices just yet 🫨



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Download & Install Help

Do I need to register before I use Kirmada?

Yes. Before you can use Kirmada, register your account here.

How much does Kirmada cost?

You can use Kirmada free of charge with a maximum of two Workspaces for as long as you like. 

If you want more than two Workspaces, you can upgrade to Kirmada Pro in the app.  Click here to see current Pricing details.

Do I Need a credit card?

You can try Kirmada free and no credit card is required.

You only need a credit card to upgrade to Kirmada Pro and can pay monthly, quarterly or annually. 

How do I get updates?

Updates are normally installed automatically.

Alternatively, if you need to remove and reinstall Kirmada manually, you can download the latest version on the downloads page.

If you have any problems with an update, simply uninstall Kirmada and download and install the latest version.

Can I install Kirmada on multiple devices?

Yes. Kirmada is designed so that you can switch between devices and instantly pick-up from where you left off.

You can only be logged into one device at a time.