The Blog

How To Get Your Work Organised

How To Get Your Work Organised

Some Essential Tips for Professional Organisation   Freelance professionals can be their own greatest enemies, especially when it comes to personal organisation (this writer is guilty as charged!). From managing multiple clients and projects to juggling competing...

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How to Find New Clients as a Freelancer

How to Find New Clients as a Freelancer

Being a freelancer is highly appealing, but it is precisely because it is so appealing that it can be exceptionally difficult to make it work. The greatest challenge any new freelancer will face is securing new clients and growing their business. This article stands...

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The Top 5 Qualities of a Great Virtual Assistant

The Top 5 Qualities of a Great Virtual Assistant

As more and more professionals are flocking to the growing ranks of the Virtual Assistant (VA) industry, newcomers to the profession may be interested in discovering the qualities which make a great virtual assistant. This article is a guide for these readers,...

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Top 5 Perks of Being a Virtual Assistant in the UK

Top 5 Perks of Being a Virtual Assistant in the UK

You’re out having a post-work drink (or three) with the usual gang on a Thursday night, and the hot topic is work: or more specifically, the drudgery of work. Rush hour on the Tube, that bothersome boss, the 9-5 grind, the mind-numbing boredom of doing the same things...

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In conversation with… a Virtual Assistant!

In conversation with… a Virtual Assistant!

This week we spoke to Genevieve from Ask Genevieve – about how she became a VA. Genevieve was one of the very first VAs to use Kirmada, and we are now one of her clients too (she does our social media)!Hi Gen. Great to see you again. You’ve had a really interesting...

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How Kirmada Helps You Manage Multiple Clients Efficiently

How Kirmada Helps You Manage Multiple Clients Efficiently

Whether you're a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, one thing is certain: managing multiple clients and projects can quickly become a task in itself. Having hundreds of tabs open, interruptions, being logged into the wrong account at the wrong time, more...

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